Saturday, September 20, 2008

Saturday - yeah-

Okay the last few mornings have been a little daunting- including today- I have been yelled at - name called - tongue stuck out- because he did not want to do what he was asked- not violent- THank you Jesus for that- but all of the other above plus ran from inside the house and outside the house-
Today was a little bit of the same at 630 in the morning not as bad- I am laying down the law and sticking to my guns- still need to be careful of what could set him off but need to reiterated ever so much that this behavior isnot acceptable.

He went back to bed about 7 and still is sleeping for now- I plan on waking him up at 9 to get ready for our JBQ meeting- It is that time of year and I can not wait cause he is going to do so well and I am not coaching this year Adam is- so I can officiate - YEAH- We have been studying and he has missed only 5 in the set we have studied for the first match- no pressure on him just to have fun and answer what he can- He tells me he is going to get positive quiz outs so that will be good

We start our free karate classes on Monday - maybe I did not tell you but he earned 3 months of free karate classes-for his good behavior at school yeah for Marcus now what am I doing wrong that he is not behaving or do kids end to take more out on there parents
Two weeks at school of 10/10 days - I am proud-
Anyway back to karate- I did some digging and the instructor is a Christian and professes his faith- Hallelujah- This I believe is truly a God thing- Some one to discipline him through Karate and teach him the love of God too- THe more of God he gets the better - I love the men at church that pour into is life -they are truly a blessing- so this will be one more addition to that

Must go clean out the car to go to Lakeland

1 comment:

Dr. Deanna DossShrodes said...

More God-things are on the way...we're believing!