Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Beginning of a new week-

Today I took Marcus in to meet Mr Law who is a behavior specialist- we did not go in till almost 10 because they wanted to prep the students and give Marcus a heads up on who Mr Law was- I will get back to that momentarily but I will start off by saying how the weekend went.
Sunday we had a bump in the road at church when I took his paperwork like I do every Sunday so he does not get in trouble- he wore me out and Uncle Adam had to come in and reason with him- He was fine for Children's church- did not get a chance to ask Miss Lisa how he was for Sunday School though.
We went grocery shopping and he was so helpful- and kind we have fun when we grocery shop - alot of times he pushes the cart and gets the food- sometimes he reads the lists and rides on the bar where I push and I wear these shoes that slide easily so I run (jog real fast) then slide with the cart and he laughs it is so fun -

So then we went home and took a nap- I tidy up the house and then went to stay with Uncle Adam and Aunt Brenda- Because the next day we went to the Florida Aquarium- he was not too bad- he liked the sharks and fell asleep on the way home- the dark scared him a little but then he found Nemo and all was good. Saw Pastor T and Miss MIsty and the kids several times when we were there.
So today we got to sleep in and go to school late- we were able to talk about who Mr Law was and I asked if he had any questions. He said is he the same color as me- I said I do not know- Why do you ask? that makes me a little nervous mommy. Why would it make you nervous? I do not want him to take me- he is not going to take you he is there to help you- but what about the other man that sits with his child he is my color and he will take me and I do not want him to. I think I know where this is coming from but it will be okay- I said there are only a few people allowed to pick you up and I named them. He said okay- I told him if anyone besides those people try and pick you up to leave school you scream.
So Mr Law is a very tall gentleman but seems very kind- Marcus I could tell was a little nervous meeting him- He is not sure what it is all about yet- but I think he will- Shannon from R club gave me a list of what they did and they are going to try to implement that so Marcus will be familiar- I think Marcus will relaize Mr Law is going to be like Miss Shannon - although no one can replace her - We love you Miss Shannon.
So I will write more over the 10 days- meanwhile tomorrow I have to go to the dentist to check my tooth - it broke on Friday afternoon and has a sharp edge which is the only thing hurts about it-
Okay I have about 1/2 hour before getting Marcus I will be viewing via the webcam

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