Sunday, August 5, 2007

Indoor Basketball Anyone?

Well- Uncle Adam and Aunt Brenda got Marcus a hoop that goes over the door for his birthday and last night was the first time he played it- I got a ball that will not hurt anything - oh we have a ball that goes with it - I guess I was just procrastinating with blowing it up-

Oh my goodness was Marcus hilariously funny- we played for about 15 minutes before bedtime and I laughed so hard- Marcus laughed so hard- between the dog and Marcus I am not sure who had more fun. You see Isaac thinks he is air bud and tries to play- not so well cause he steals the ball-

So Uncle Adam and Aunt Brenda thank you-it was a blast.
It kinda reminded me of the days when the Plecko Clan played in there house whether it be in the garage or the basement.

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