Sunday, August 17, 2008

Smile- FAITH

1. Believing when you do not see it
2. Walking in Faith is obeying when you do not understand it
3. Walking in Faith is giving when you do not have it
4. Walking in Faith-persisting when you do not feel like it.
5. Walking in Faith is thanking before you receive it
6. Walking in Faith is trusting -if you do not get it

For me 4 and 6 stand out the greatest in my mind right now and let me expand on it (these were points from Pastor Larry today)

So - Walking in Faith persisting when you do not feel like it- that is me- this past week- Wednesday Night I did not want to be there- Saturday I did not want to go to life coaching- today I did not want to teach Sunday School-all of these things I love to do and you know what even though I did not want to do these things or feel like it- I was uplifted by each of these meetings-not everyone knows exactly what I am going through and that is okay-
Walking in Faith and trusting- Pastor Larry spoke from Hebrews 11:39-40
---All these were approved through their faith, but they did not receive what was promised, since God had provided something better for us, so that they would be made perfect without us
You know you could get discouraged where it says they did not receive what was promised- because I think that is where I have been lately discuraged by what God has promised but I need to trust God even more because of the later portion of the scriputre verse He is providing something better. Better then he promised wow! How amazing is that for God to do that for me?
I need to keep my eyes on Jesus and not the situations at hand- oh I know that is so easier then done-
I truly do not understand all that is going on right now and why but I need to continue to walk in Faith and to continue to serve God with everything I have.

This is what happened today -Marcus and I went for lunch " back to school " lunch I have done it every year since having him-
I was not sure of what I was getting myself into because he started with an attitude when we were in the car.
So we went to Sonny's and he was the best he has been in a long while
The family sitting next to us asked if he was always liked that and I was like no - this is a good moment-She was like he is so well behaved- he was really - manners and everything- we talked about how he was feeling about school and if anything was making him nervous- he said he just wanted the kids to be nice to him- I said well you use your words and show them and they will begin to do the same- I told him Iknow he can do it.
So anyway- after we were done the husband and wife talked with Marcus and the husband was a sheriff and said you were so well behaved and gave him $1.oo he said you continue making good choices and you are a good boy-
okay okay- out of the blue these people say this to us after the week we have had - I do not think so - it was a God thing
Honestly I was thinking if they only really knew- but for me it was a glimmer- of yes it is possible-

This evening or should I say today has been a good day- I smiled today- Marcus and I got his stuff for school ready- then layed on the couch and watched the olympics- I answered 50 million questions about the sports we were watching-but it was a good day-

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