Friday, August 15, 2008

1 battle at a time please

However this is not occurring-
so we have Marcus' issues going on - mental health- then the bus situation at the childcare and then to top it off the dryer went out
Oh you say that is all but the first issue mentioned is the biggest problem I am dealing with - for me my strength is depleted (so really I am functioning on Gods strength)today was the icing on the cake - we went to help Cathy and Tom with the house again and we did not stay too long- meltdown came because they ( the girls ) were being mean when he started the whole thing.
He told me over and over and over again he hated me- called me names- cry baby- big head and some other things that I am clueless on-Jesus does not care- no one cares about him- no one likes him- YES these are things my son is saying to me- on a daily basis lately when he gets angry-
But thank you Jesus - it only lasted about 15 minutes or so. We came home- I was going to the grocery store but I am not-with him that is- I just do not trust him right now- I need the meds to kick in and I am hoping the therapy will help when we start.
The plus side of the day- Marcus and I talked this early evening and it was good- I prayed for him and told him there are a bunch of people praying for him-and at anytime he wanted prayer that he could ask them and they would do it right then- so be aware he may ask you to pray-
I do believe this is a spiritual battle with him- the devil is mad - God is doing good things in my life and he just does not like it - oh I am not denying there are other issues going on with him
Another plus side we went to his school and we saw his teacher and she was so excited to see him- I just love her told her what was going on and change in meds and all and she was like we will work it through thank you God for that.
Keep praying we sure do need the prayers...

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Keep gritting those teeth! I believe you are going to see a break through soon! I am praying and tell Marcus that I will be happy to pray with him when I come down.