Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The past 5 days...

I have changed - Marcus has changed- (not saying he is perfect at all)- You know it is amazing what slight changes in your environment will do for a person
Let me tell you something- God is so in control and such a comfort.

Marcus since Thursday has had minor issues like for me mind blowing minor issues (this is a good thing) that is when I started the subtle changes within me- our family.
No big blow ups for him- minor blow ups.
His manners have been polite- I can do things he says- I am simple in awe of how well he is doing

Not perfect but much improved- is it the meds kicking in- if so great- if it is my minor adjustments great- I am just thrilled
Yesterday he had a 10/10 day today 9/10 day- his before and after school - in the mornings there are 4 children and same amount in the afternoon (this is a blessing because low numbers are great) he plays video games there and loves it-hey if he is not getting in trouble and being kind - great
Today I asked him if he was okay to go to Discovery Point- he said mommy don't worry I will be fine- that is the first time he has ever said that..

We went swimming today after school and work and he did very well swam across the pool several times

On top of the good things going on with him- today I was told I was going from assistant manager of a facility to the manager of a facility at work-Yes I will be changing locations- still at USF but across the street ( our department has several facilites we take care of)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you both, I just knew that things were going to start turning around for you.
It is always darkest before the dawn!!!