Saturday, August 9, 2008


Today we are not doing a whole lot - I was up very early this morning- why I do not know just something I do-I have been working on laundry - cleaning - or tidying up the house I should say- reading reading a lot- Converstaion Peace- Armorbearer- my daily devotional- Rereading Pastor's notes on help is on the way- a message he spoke.
I sure hope that help is on the way-
Marcus is back asleep he went to bed about 6 ish last night- got up at 5;30 and some time to talk back to me - brought his laundry to the washer and was suppose to be doing something I asked him to do- Well he wanted breakfast- I said great- I will give you breakfast when you finish what you were asked to do- I got talked back too- grumbled at - but not nearly as bad as it has been.
Have my blinders be on with him lately- I know his schedule is so way off this summer and I know that may have a significant impact on his behavior but enough is enough- this out of control lost his marbles type of behavior needs fixed pronto.

So I am fixing to go work on Sunday School- I have listened many times already and know what it is about but need to delve into it- finish my menu for the week- get grocery list together- (Dustin when are you starting my publix again? Next week? side note question) finish laundry-clean kitchen- and the list goes on-
Oh my bansiter I have been working on is half done and it did come out pretty well so far.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Hey you! Just want you to know that I will continue to pray for Marcus and you! Didn't you say in an earlier post you have an appointment with his doctor? Why not try to get it moved up. Maybe his meds need increased or changed. Better to get that worked out before school starts.
Girl hang in there! I know it may not seem like God is there at times but hold fast, He does have a purpose and plan for Marcus!
we love you