Sunday, August 17, 2008

Black Sharpie, Green Couch and Marcus

This combination is bad news-
Marcus went to bed tucked him in- worked on my previous blog - came downstairs to get some carrots and chill when I came to put my stuff down what do I see.

Sharpie pen writing on my couch-with a picture- UGH

"I love you mommy you are so nice" was written on my couch- I thought oh no I am not going to be nice now boy- you wrote with permanent marker on my couch- UGH

As I am steaming - I scrubbed most of it off with the fabric cleaner for the couch and then proceeded to call Adam and Lori they laughed- I was not laughing not at all
Adam said at least it was something nice - I said he could have asked for a piece of paper-
I checked on him and gave him a kiss-sleeping so sound and sweet looking

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Ok I had to laugh too! Been there done that! Jaron when he was younger took a black paint pen and colored on our new leather white couch and on the wall. Was not able to get it out! Sara has drawings all over her newly painted room and black marker on her closet door (not removeable even with the magic eraser sponges!), Kris didn't start coloring on the walls till he turned 5 and Eli hasn't done it YET! Although I did find "ELI" on my cabinets.
Laughing! Oh the joys of mother hood! smile!