Saturday, March 1, 2008

The week end positively

Well- I got a phone call from Marcus' teacher- she is wonderful- she wanted to tell me because he did not have 2 stars days this week he did not earn Fun Friday-I said that is fine- she said when I told Marcus he was not very happy and lost a point from how he was responding-
I said oh okay- She said I wanted to tell you though he did get it together and the rest of the day was great. I said fabulous-
I was able to pick him up early and we were home and he was good- minor things but good

So today is just a chill out day- I have some major cleaning downstairs I want to do but it should not take me too long
Then I believe (if Adam and Brenda remember to stop by) that he will be going to their house tonight/afternoon and I will be going shopping -by myself all alone- quiet time for me - It is okay to have me time- it will be fabulous- but quiet

Thank you to those who called or sent me a birthday card that was very thoughtful

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