Saturday, March 22, 2008

Happy Saturday !

Well- yesterday was a good day- actually all week wasa good week-

Wednesday was service - Marcus fell asleep on the way in and I asked him if he wanted to go to class or go with me to service and rest some more- He opted to go with me and within less then 5 minutes of being in there he was asleep - He was tired- so he slept the entire service

Friday - was a day off of school for him- I decided to take the day off - Marcus' goal was to earn 4 star days this week at Kids r Kids and he did it- so the reward a trip to the movie theater the big movie theater- I can not tell you when the last time I went to the movies.

Anyway we started the day by meeting up with Aunt Lori and Ainsley- Ainsley had a follow up MRI from last year - she was diagnosed with Chiari brain stem leading into the spinal chord

So this year they want to see how things are and if it is all okay then the case will be closed- let's just say I am hopeful the case will be closed.

So we got lunch and headed to Marcus' psychologist appointment- yes he sees one - okay I think it is maybe more for me but it is his. He was very pleased at the progress we are doing and says the consistency in his life has helped him tremendously- it is a day to day process (still elarning this but working very hard at it- me that is). I let Dr Berney know that he was regressing in some areas- and he said that was normal - that will continue through out his life. oh said oh great.
Then to the movies we go- we went to see Dr Seuss Horton Hears a Who- I think it was called- it was cute- I think Marcus was in awe of how large the screen was.
He has only been to a few movies in his life- one at the Imaxx on hurricane with me - I can not view those they make me sick
Today we are going to Clearwater to hang out with the family
Then home tonight and church tomorrow- I am looking so forward to church- anticpating great things- I got an Easter dress and it is a size smaller this year then last - I am so excited.

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