Saturday, March 29, 2008

Just from my heart... part 1 of ?

Here is what is on my heart- and lately more then ever-
Children with special needs- why because I have one- He is special and created uniquely just for me-

God knew that I was the person just for Marcus- I am not perfect by any means- no I do not have all the answers but God created him- I do believe because of man's influence Marcus is the person he is now- but it is God is inside of him and working on him ever so diligently
Have you ever fought a fight that you always seem to need to fight- well I am there again-
I simple can not understand why it is so hard for people to realize children are all different special needs or not-
If they do have special needs why can they not just admit they are unsure how to handle the situation- and not make excuses- accept training that is offered but please do not tell me you do not have the time to work with him-
You should make time- he really is a wonderful young man- he just has had some rough times in the beginning of his life that just needs time to be worked through and healed by Gods hand.
Pastor Larry says that hurting people hurt people- Marcus is hurting from his young life's experiences and we just need to love him all the more even in the not so good times-
He is a special young man and hold such a special place in my heart- I hurt for him- I fight for him- and I love him so much.
Thank you Jesus for my Marcus- he is so loved!


Dr. Deanna DossShrodes said...

Yes, he is so loved.

Thank you for being the perfect Mom for Marcus. I know you aren't "perfect" -- but YOU ARE perfect for him. You keep making the deposits in his love bank when the world has over-drawn him time and again. The love of Jesus continues to work through you to change his life.

God is working - do not doubt that ever. I am praying for him and for you.

I'm proud of you!

Michele said...

Thank you PD- Sometimes it is so taxing when the overdrawns come- but I keep pressing on and doing what I need to do for him day by day.
Deposit deposit deposit-
You are always so helpful and encouraging when it comes to the challenging of parenting.
You are the best!