Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Meds for Clarence

Well I started meds for Clarence today- I am upstairs and just got off the floor with him- some of you are probably thinking he is just a cat- yes he is a cat but this cat has a personality like you would not believe- anyway I am on the floor and I am talking to him and I begin to cry- because he is Clarence- I know what his future holds-

I am hoping he gets some relief from the meds-His heart rate is very fast and it should not be-it is compensating for what is going on- working too hard. I told Clarence it is okay and to please not to have me make this decision (not today not this week anyway)

He eats he drinks and he goes up and down the stairs- when we go on vacation he is staying at the hospital-so they can medicate him and watch him.

So - I am a little disfocused today but will try and be hopeful -

Clarence- is not gone yet so I will enjoy the time we have left and try not to focus on him leaving our home.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

oh poor Clarence. I understand about a cat that listens. I had one when I was in high school...Tipper...he was the best well besides Mister. Remember him. Anyway praying Clarence pulls out of this and surprises you and the vet!