Saturday, July 12, 2008


I would not be speaking the truth if I said oh last week was great- well it was a struggle- from work - to home- to work- to Marcus behavior- and anything in between- Yesterday I had my meltdown- tears the whole 9 yards it had finally come to a head at about 2 pm when I got the 3rd page from Sarah-Marcus was not having a good day- I had an inspection that had just gotten done and I was trying to get work done for next week and the week I will be out. So last week was not all peaches and rose.

So I was at Adam and Brenda's last night working out a plan for Marcus and behavior rewards rescheduling and finding out what was going on inside because it was not the normal Marcus behavior it was off the wall behavior.
Well we figured it out and I nailed it in an earlier blog.
He does not want me to go away for the weekend next week -he is having anxiety about me getting lost and not coming back. So for reassurance on his part we have come up with a plan- so ladies that are going please understand when I need to make a phone call it is for my boy to let him know I am not lost and I am okay. So not only I have to make plans of getting children taken care of and watched, animals taken care of but I also have to make sure my son realizes I am not leaving him forever and I will be coming back.
So when we get up there I need to let him know we are there safely
at Breakfast-lunch - and when we are leaving just a quick phone call to let him know everything is going okay and then Saturday about 8 pm I need to call. It is a security thing for him knowing I am coming back and not going to leave him. I reassured him that PD knows where she is going since she has been there before- we made a map of how far I am going to be and we gave him a schedule of what I was going to be doing and the approximate times of when I was going to call.
So much an anxiety for a 7 year old. I reassured him I will be back and that he can pray for our safety and for God to protect us.
So today is a new day and we both are starting from scratch - refocus


Anonymous said...

Make a little photo albumn, of happy pictures... of you and him. Get it at the $1 store. Dakota still carries one in his backpack to school and pulls it out now and again.

I hope it helps!

Melissa said...

fantastic idea! Making the schedule and all of that will help him tremendously. What I have done in the past besides the calls was wrote little notes and at certain times of the day inbetween calling home Sean would tell the kids, hey look what mommy left us and would read the note to the kids. Usually about something I might be doing at the time or about something funny, something I miss about not being with them and would always end it with lots of I love yous!
Hope that helps!

Anonymous said...

Whenever I am gone for more than a day, I leave littel card for the girls and for hubby to open at different times. I leave one on their beds for nigthtime, one in the pantry for beakfast, one in the shower or fridge, etc. Onem, they love the surprise, and two, they know ow much I love them and miss them as much as they miss me.! They make great cards for little ones too, Michelle or you could make your own on the computer. Marcus woudl have fun finding little notes from mommie, trust me!