Monday, June 30, 2008

To the Vet I go

Went in early to work today- because I wanted to get Clarence to the vet early this afternoon- he has some fluid on his chest and I wanted to see what was going on- how do I know he has fluid on his chest I listened I have a stethoscope at home and yes I do listen to my critters lungs and heart but for Clarence I listen more - he has a grade 3 / 4 heart murmur (Murmurs are abnormal heart sounds that are produced as a result of turbulent blood flow which is sufficient to produce audible noise-Grade 3A moderately intense murmur not associated with a palpable precordial thrill (vibration) Grade 4 loud murmur; a palpable precordial thrill is not present or is intermittent )( diagnosed atleast 6 years ago) and he has been coughing which is a rare thing in cats - it sounds like he is hacking up a hairball- but nothing comes out- so when he looked like he was passed out after hacking this morning I decided it was time. He was diagnosed with a cardiomegaly ( Cardiomegaly is a medical condition wherein the heart is enlarged) and I keep tabs on it - not feeling all positive right now - just know being in the business that heart issues in cats is not good and I knew that when he was diagnosed we were unsure how he would do. Now- I think it is catching up to him.

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