Sunday, July 13, 2008

How do you deal with conflict?

This was my Sunday School Lesson and I actually enjoyed teaching it and I hope the kids learned something from it-

We discussed Nabal and how he turned away food from David after David took care of and guarded his sheep- This did not sit to well so David wanted to defeat Nabal- but Abigail went and made peace with David and David forgave .

You see we ( me included) allow ourselves to build up anger until we burst like an over inflated balloon (this was an object lesson today) Why do we allow this to go on- I do not get angry very easily but when I do I get quiet then I cry then I blow up- usually I do not get to the blow up phase cause the crying wears me out emotionally.

Anyway we learned today with the object lesson- yes we will get angry but we should be able to talk about it and dispelled some of the air out of the balloon not allowing it to get overfilled and burst. I am guilty of this- I bottle things up until I burst or can't handle it anymore (Adam stop laughing- he knows this is so true) So I am going to diligently work on this and try not to let things bottle up even if I have to express them in my journal that I need to be keeping-

So try not to be that overinflated balloon and allow things to build inside - talk it out - write it out-cry it out-pray it out
Be a peacemaker with yourself and others- listen diligently and offer help when needed.

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