Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Change in Schedule not Good for ME not Good for HIM

Okay Breathe in Breathe out
I really am pulling my hair out right now-really I am- you see I anticipated issues today with Marcus but his attitude and disobedience is down right stressful- ugh- he does not do well with changes in his schedule - I knew it I anticipated it- but come on really how hard is to apologize to a child ( he stepped on someones glasses because he was pushed) how hard is it to listen when I ask him to walk - instead I get nails in my arm- how hard is to follow directions if you really want to do something- oh I know for Marcus today this afternoon he was over load may day may day- sinking ship sinking ship- I tried to cope breathing well- but kicking seats telling me what he was going to do andnot going to do and he was going NOW to the harvest festival- Right- you see we are not there- we did not make it to BQ practice- sentence writing and Memory verse writing- (thanks PD and PL- I use this a lot) . He knows the ones on obedience cause he has to write them-
so I ask him to get in the shower 6 times aggravation level is up right now cause he was NOT LISTENING - but it is good I am venting my frustrations- Anyone have chocolate - sugar free?
okay I think I am good I will blog really what I was going to write tonight a little later if I stay awake - last night I was in bed by 8:30 and asleep not long after.

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