Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Rest is what I needed

This morning I woke up and wanted to go back to bed- I was congested and it felt like a truck was sitting on my chest- so I took Marcus to school - called work-came home took something for the congestion- covered up - in my cozy bed and fell asleep for 5 hours- with the dog and 2 of the cats. they always seem to know when I do not feel well-
I woke up and proceeded to go downstairs and lay on the couch where I did not get up til I had to go get Marcus- the kid is trying my patience- I feel better then I did this morning but not quite 100% and he threw another fit at Kids R Kids- I just wanted to come back home and chill but could not do that - had to wait for the fit to be over and then come home and help with homework-

Dinner is now done- HW is done- Shower for him is done- he is in bed- time for me to go chill out again-

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Wish I was there so I could help you out! I would gladly of picked marcus up for you and fed him dinner, helped him with home work and then brought him home to you! Hope you feel better in the am!
love ya