Wednesday, October 3, 2007

3 am is much to early to be awake

It was 3 am and I heard a hack hack hack and cough cough cough- Marcus was hacking up a lung. Well not quite but it seemed like it- I got up and stumbled down the stairs to get him some meds- I think he finally stopped hacking around 6 - not conitnously but off and on- and then silence- he was a sleep again in his bed. So he stayed home from school and rested- I stayed home from work and fell back asleep only for about 30 minutes or so. The problem with Marcus is he does not tell you he is not feeling well. I have to guess. Is that the norm or are we abnormal- okay some of you can be quiet about that (Adam stop laughing) . So he rested all day - ate lunch- had not coughed since about 10 this morning and now again at almost 6 pm we are starting again- he says he feels pretty good- have the humidifier on in his room- he is taking a bath right now-
I think an early bed time for me is calling.


Anonymous said...

that answers the trouble at the library. kids get "funky" before they get sick sometimes.... who knew?!?!

you are an awesome mom, girl!

Melissa said...

You are not weird! My kids do the same thing! Especailly Jaron and Kris! I never know they are not feeling well until they have a spiked temp or in Jaron's case he actually asks for pain relief. UGH! Too bad God didn't thinkabout give us mom's extra know how when it comes to kids!