Friday, October 12, 2007

I Love Lake Myrtle Elementary School

There is a red light on my phone at work when I return from a meeting with a new Dr . I listen to the message - it goes a little like this

Hello this is the asst. prinicpal from LMES we have Marcus here in the office because he chose to hit a classmate and teacher- my heart sunk- oh no we were doing so well- 4 weeks in the new school and we were doing so well- then it said please call me as soon as you can so we can talk - ugh - great I am going to pick the boy up and then I am going to kill him - no not really - that would not solve anything-

So anyway- I called back and spoke with the Asst. Principal- love her- she said well Marcus told us what happened we talked - the behavioral specialist talked with him and worked it out- he was able to tell us and we discussed he would have to go into a smaller classroom if this beahvior continued- She said he knew he was in trouble cause I had to be called and he did not want that to happen- so she said he was back in the classroom the behavioral specialist stayed there for a bit- he was fine the rest of the day
It is amazing to me how a school that is equipped with certain personal and how they deal with difficulties deal with this compared to a school that does not have the resources- ( I still love Sandpine they are great too)
When she talke she was laughing and saying he worked it through- I told he we would have a discussion about it-
We did he apologized to the teacher and the child- he also apologized to me for not making a good choice-
So the behavioral specialist told him if he feels angry to put his hands in his pocket

so that was it- done over with moving on-

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Oh Michele, what a wonderful school! It is soo good to see there are schools out there that can help! I am so glad that they are willing to help Marcus work through the situations instead of just expell him! I definately believe that God has placed Marcus in a wonderful setting where he can learn; not just education things but social things too! That is so wonderful for him and YOU! Love ya girl!