Friday, January 30, 2009

The Saga is on going

Well- we no longer have before care and no longer have after care from school ( thankful again for Cathy and Tom)
why no after care because Marcus again was unsafe in the van and they just can not have that there- so no more martial arts- so needless to say stress is high and I am tired of dealing with it all- any ideas and suggestions please send them to me- if you know of any place that would deal with a child with behavioral challenges - needs to be in small setting and have structure and feel safe. and once again this before brought me to a low tonight- thank goodness for friends and family- my heart is broken- and hurting- we were doing well at home and did not realize he was spiraling at martial arts-

so of course I was emotionally over it - not knowing how to handle it all- and called friends and family to talk it out- it helped - but not enough- I felt defeated in my efforts- and just want to give up- OK I AM NOT GIVING UP- I WILL PERSEVERE-

Thanks to a little chatting on line from friends in Illinois (Melissa) and friends close by the Garlands- actually the Garlands came over and we just chatted and just having them here helped so much

I have contacted some people to see if they have any suggestions for care and I am serious - if any of you have ideas let me know- sorry dad can not use duct tape and bailing twine- it will not work

His therapist is going to contact the psychatrist and speak to her about the very poor impulse control he has and see what she says- therapist also said that the thought of someone raising there voice or speaking to him or not giving him the answer he wants to hear- when he is in trouble may set off an alarm inside and he just does not know what to do by go into defense and flight response and may not know why he does it. and at times he goes beyond where he can get control- so she is going to begin looking back and seeing where things may have gone awry.

Keep us in your prayers- I am changing my prayer from healing to we need a miracle.


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