Friday, January 2, 2009

Praying for a miracle sooner rather then later

Marcus finally got up at about 5 pm after sleeping most of the day away- I fed him some dinner and then we began to talk and I began to cry and as he did as well. He talked I listened - i talked he listened- I said this is a brand new year today is the 1st day- He told me he was thinking again of his old home- this is my miracle I need sooner rather then later- I just want him to forget about his past home - have God just wipe that away- we talked about how his anger is causing issues and how tiring it makes me- I was honest with him told him I loved him and missed him when he was gone but I also told him how I did not miss the meltdowns and the anger outbursts when he did not get his way- I so enjoyed going out with adults and not worrying about how he was going to respond- I so enjoyed being with a crowd of people and him having meltdown cause he did not get dessert or food right away- it was enjoyable and something I needed.
We also talked about going biking on different trails on Saturdays we do not have anything planned- We talked on consequences and things we get to do and why he act the way he acts and if he wants to change and not be so angry all the time- at times I wonder if it is an excuse-I know he is able to control it he proved it twice to me yesterday.
I am going on and on- I told him this type of behavior can not continue day to day- it is wearing me out- he said he wanted to change and I said great- we talked about forgiving people even when they hurt us very bad- he said he wanted to tell the man he forgives him- I said we do not need to go there you forgive in your heart when you are ready and let God know you have forgiven him as well. We talked a lot more detailed then what I am writing-I would ask him if he understood what I was saying and he was able to tell me- so I am praying for a miracle sooner then later of his anger and his past - I am praying for a miracle- we need it-will you pray with us- sooner rather then later?
Our talk ended up being about 3 hours long- and I am hopeful that what we talked about will sink in to his head but as well as his heart


Dr. Deanna DossShrodes said...

praying with you...

Melissa said...

You know I am prayin for that miracle!