Sunday, January 25, 2009

Good day today

We had a busy day- for me it was different gettin 2 children plus myself together- plus make breakfast- etc- one is plenty- my heart goes out to single parents with more then 1 child (tina, sue I am thinking of you). SS was good we talked about Moses and how is was disobedient - the kids are learning the books of the bible in order - I have about half of them that know the first 15 - most of them are bringing their bibles yeah- and 95 % are contributing during question time-

service was good PD preached a good message -really good- no I am not just saying that cause she reads my blog it was what was right about the church- all good stuff-
my niece came and oh my goodness when Lori picked her up she had a major crying meltdown she did not want to leave-she called 20 minutes after she left hysterical to the point i could not understand her.

then Marcus and I came home and slept-

I did not sleep too well last night not sure why so it was a nice nap- then Marcus cleaned his bathroom while I took off the training wheels on his bike- then outside we went and he did great- we started the process at grannie and papaws and today was the day to see how he would do- he did fabulous- so on Saturdays we will be finding trails to go on- anyone want to join us? Here are some pictures from grannie and papaws and then here

1 comment:

Blessed said...

Flatwoods Park is right up the road from you, girl! You can ride as far as you want and it is a nice trail to ride. Take some water and snacks and enjoy!!!

The freedom and fresh air is so wonderful!

KALOS! = Living Right and Doing Good Works!

Miss you!