Thursday, April 3, 2008

Tomorrow is a special day...

I remember it fondly- 7 years ago tomorrow my wonderful son came into this world weighing a little less then 7lbs and 18 inches long - he was born at 1 pm in the afternoon at Tampa General Hospital. He is a true Florida Cracker. I was not there but I can imagine what it was like.

Aww I remember when I first held him in my arms and gave him a hug- how sweet it was. I do remember this exact place and exactly where I was sitting.

He tested positive for syphilis but was treated with anitbiotics and had no residual effects- no drugs were tested in his blood stream- he also was a little jaundice but everything else seemed okay- He did have a umbilical hernia but was later fixed when he was just about to turn 5. Who would have ever thought he would be so healthy now with a history like this- He eats like a horse and is so very active.

We have come so far in 7 years 2 foster homes 2 additional homes that were going to adopt him and then finally the best home ever - OURS.

It is kind of a bittersweet day- many of you remember the birth of your child- you were there - able to hold him or her almost immediately afterwards- me I was not-I wish I could have been but it was not time for me to become his mom yet. I wish I could have held him as an infant - I am sure he was so cute. I love holding babies - never use to ask my oldest niece (she is 19 now)
But I can not change the fact I was not there- I can however look at tomorrow and know that God has promises He will keep- I am hopeful for a changed Marcus by the love of God most important and the love that I have for him.
He started 7 years ago in a rough place and I am so BLESSED to BE CHOSEN to be is MOM - he teaches me just as much as I teach him. Thank you Lord for the responsibilty of loving Your Child.


Melissa said...


Dr. Deanna DossShrodes said...

Happy Birthday to our special young man...we love him so much.

Sorry we could not make it today...we have a gift for him that we'll give him tomorrow. I think he'll love it! (and you will too)

He's come so far...

and so have you!

Love you,