Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Level 3 here we come

What is level 3 - well at school his class has a level system they go through- Marcus applied to advanced to level 3 because he is choosing to make better choices- to keep his hands and feet to himslef and to be concerned of his choices and not others-
They have to apply to get to the next level and it is either approved or disapproved by the principal and behavior specialist- well Level 3 was approved today - however he will have to wait to advance to it until next week do to an incident in the very late afternoon in his basic education class- His teacher called me and I had to tell him- he handled it very very well-I am telling you this child is different - vey very different- I honestly believe in my heart God is working in him.
Oh he is still a kid- but when I told him he had to wait for next week to advanced he was like uhh why- I said because of your choice in Ms S's class this afternoon- Oh he said - I will do my best tomorrow and work on my behavior- I said great- so he took it well and I told him how proud I was for making Level 3 for next week and how proud I was on how he took the news that he had to wait.
We had a psychiatrist appointment and we spoke of how well he is doing- I did speak to her about a concern of mine and he did exactly what I was going to ask- he tends to regress in situations in his not familiar with or people he is not familiar with- he goes into baby talk mode and silly acting out mode- I asked her if that was normal - she said that this is how he may deal with anxiety- oh okay- so we got outside and it was like he was back to young man Marcus mode- amazing - I will have to look at this more when we have new situations arise that he may be unfamiliar with.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

YEA MARCUS!!!! That is fantastic! Go GOD! Kep working on him Lord! and on Mom!