Sunday, April 13, 2008

I am amazed..

Well we as a church have been on the Daniel Fast- or 1 4 50 Fast or Fasting something since Easter. The first week or so- was a little difficult- but I have learned a lot about myself over the course of these days- we are almost half there to May 11 and I am sure I will learn so much more.As far as the food goes- it is not bad- I have tried new things and some of which are pretty good-

Previously if I had not eaten for an extended length of time I would get a headache or just feel weak.Well- since doing the fast there have been several incidences where I have had extended length of time before eating and the headaches or weaknesses have diminished greatly- there maybe have been 1 or 2 incidences where this has occured out of the course of time being on the fast and to me that is amazing.
In the evenings- I would look for the ice cream to eat or the sweet thing to eat (cookies ectera) now I read my books on conversation peace- praying for your children- pray more- read the word of God more-I am reading Acts- doing a study on that- I am also spending more time on my Sunday School lessons- I usually work on it daily - I still do but there are ideas and illustrations that I work on to help the youth get a better understanding of what I am talking about-oh I still crave that sweet thing every now and then but that is when I grab some fruit-
In fact I changed up my classroom and it seems to be working a little bit better-

Marcus' behavior seems to be improving - many have reasons for going on the fast- mine is for my son- I am believing for a miracle- decrease in aggression and impulsive behavior increase in kindness, gentleness, and self control. I was blessed to be able to spend a week of taking him into school and picking him up from school at first I thought this was a major obstacle- cutting into my work time losing hours- but I quickly learned that it was an opportunity for us to spend some additional time together where I can help him make better choices-It was beneficial maybe more for me then him- it showed me something I knew that he can behave and make good choices-
We also in this past week- began biking together- just making time for him and not worrying at those moments how tired I am or how long my day was.
In these days I want more of God in my life- more opportunities to stretch and grow- more opportunities to share how God has guided and strengthen me since becoming a mom -Just more of Him- more of Him to be a teacher to my son- to show him how much he is loved through God and myself-
I started something new with Marcus over this past week. I ask him who he is and he usually says Marcus John- I said that is your name who are you?
This is who he is - a child of God- person created in his image- a kind, gentle, caring, a self-controlling person- one that is loved no matter what.

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