Sunday, February 6, 2011


A month or so or go I wrote the definition of hope- here in my blog- well I am going to do it again because this is what I chose for my word for the year-
to look forward to with desire and reasonable confidence. to believe, desire, or trust

you see i was at a place where i did not have confidence in how life was going and my son was spiraling downward in a rapid speed- I was not trusting God with everything especially him- so when I received the gifts I did I realized all this and began to make changes and to trust God with my child and be confident in the outcome that I know will happen - Have Hope-

Hope yes it is happening I am becoming full of hope as I begin to trust God and rely on Him more then myself. To listen to Him and know He has it all in control

I have a God who is faithful and friends who remind me of the Hope we have in Him

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