Friday, February 18, 2011

excercising and family

well today after work I was able to catch up with my Uncle Bill and Aunt Mary from Pa- we just sat and talked for 3 hours and then i headed home- it was nice just to catch up with them - spoke with Marcus on my way home he had a bumpy day today and had to be removed from school today and then returned about 15 minutes later- (they do not leave the building for school)
he is working on not instigating and was kinda not successful- he told me tonight he missed me-
came home and chilled for about an hour and then took Isaac out for a walk/run (one day it will be a run/walk) i ran farther tonight then i have since starting so i am making progress :)
my dog is enjoying the run too but he is wiped out when we get home - he is getting in shape too- :)

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