Sunday, March 15, 2009

So much to continue to learn

Over the past 3+ years I have learned so much and yet have so much to learn- I tried something this week in disciplining Marcus ( wise man instructed me) and you know what it worked go figure- less volatile behaviors - I was holding on to Marcus' past regarding this and should have moved forward- I know this blog does not make sense but it does to me and probably to others who read it that know us so so well.
I was not too sure how he would react - he did act with a little explosiveness but as the week progressed he knew it was coming and got it done and over with.
This week was my week to learn and get past the past and not be afraid to use techniques- that for him actually work.
Marcus is learning that he will not always get what he wants - ask me about dinner Wednesday night- or the bike riding or the hot tub- he made that were not acceptable and was told if you choose this then this will not happen.
I have to be on my toes all the time and at times it gets tiring - but God gives me strength- grace- wisdom( I need this the most ) and guidance (so important too)
I have to stop and think before handling each situation so I handle it probably without explosions occurring - yes I am constantly learning yet hopeful this time will soon pass and his past will begin to melt away from him quickly and he will be able to catch up socially to an 8 year old.
I am hopeful and this week has helped me to see how wonderful God is and how He gives us wisdom through ALL situations.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

You are an amazing woman! I am so proud of you and proud to call you my friend! I saw a sign the other day it said You will not be carried away in the storm when you are anchored to the Rock! I believ eyour anchor is growing stronger and larger every day! Love ya my friend!