It takes more then one to raise a family- God,Family,and Friends
Monday, March 30, 2009
I have learned something

Saturday, March 28, 2009
Peace and quiet
I drove home from the appointment in tears not because of sadness but from peace within and a feeling of whew someone is finally listening to my concerns- (health care professional that is)
He said I had done all the right things and was a much different parent then what they normally see-He kept asking if I tried this or that - yep yep I have done all that- I even have been to parenting classes - you have yep - shook his head - ok then - he turned to Marcus and said young man you need to change for this to work-your mom loves and cares for you - and this is how you treat her- it stops here and today- yes sir- Marcus said- Mr George says you have taught him what he needs to do and now he needs to do it we are not playing games.
He is taking the next steps to see what needs to be done-
We will be getting MRIs done and another full psychological work up done on him as well. Due to illnesses he was born with and a trauma (which I never thought of until yesterday) he obtained- and possible other incidences.
This is a good feeling and not a I am not sure what to do anymore- thank you god for providing-Jehovah Jireh- my provider
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Phew is all I can say
The effects of being out and up early came up last night at the end of KIdzturn Marcus had a meltdown nothing volatile- and then in the car the cries of tiredness were very loud. He is tired this morning again I feel an early night by all
I have been awakened each morning by things I need to do at work so I get up send myself an email and then attempt to go back to sleep- not working- so hopefully I will get all things in order for the coming week - I am off tomorrow- yeah- Marcus and I have a 2 hour counseling session- with the new facility then we need to run and check on Bandit ( Tobias cat- they are out of town) then we will come home and just hang out-
I am thankful I can sleep in for a bit tomorrow I think til 730 yeah-
Work is still being organized and for me it drives me crazy cause I want it fixed to run smoothly but as I keep telling my staff these weeks are trial and error and learning constantly of what will work for us.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Just randomness
god is so good he has provided me with a great environment to work in- I love the new place and things are coming along nicely- I will be even getting a supervisor that is under me- to help out yes- and I will be a part of the process- so I am looking forward to it.
it is a slow process of change however it is changing.
ok so my pastor used my own words against me last night and he did not even know it- do not punish kids from going to church- how true and I use to say that all the time when I did bus ministry and could not understand why parents would not allow them to come to church - that is where they should be especially when they get into trouble- thanks for the slap back into reality-( no he did not really slap me-) I t was like a duh moment - so regardless of what Marcus does today we will be going- I think no I know I was nervous about the late nights and off schedule I think that is what was hindering more then his behavior issues- I do have to say at home he has been quite pleasant- Thank you God for your faithfulness- I am trusting in you!
Ok so here is the thing- if you have not been to Kidzturn and you attend Northside come- your life will never be the same- even if you have no kids come- your life will never be the same-
Marcus has been to the altar both nights so God is working on him- amazing God he is.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Its good its good it goooooooooooooooooooood
ok well that was me- just being weird with my title- this week has been good for me- Marcus well.....let me just say we have had no volatile behavior and I think he may begin to start to get the concept of he does not matter what he wants and it does not matter when he wants it- he can either follow my rules or can have an instant consequence- he knows what to expect if he gets out of line- small victories
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Roller Coasters of Life

Sunday, March 15, 2009
God - I know you love me
Have you ever had a moment where words to a song really spoke to you- well that was me this morning in service we sang this song I posted- now grant it we have sung it before and I have it on my ipod - however this morning it took on a whole new meaning to me-
His love was shed for us- He overcame the grave -He overcame the grave-He overcame the grave- these words resonated in my my heart and my mind- he tore the veil he made a way-
Jesus overcame the biggest obstacle- the biggest struggle- the biggest issue for me- so why do I continually to struggle with my situation- I am human and it is our nature-
He overcame the grave - He can help any situation any struggle - any illness- emotional- physical- financial and for me and my situation mental. It is done-He has overcome it
I know He loves me why else would he shed is blood for me- nothing is impossible for God
A few weeks ago - I was questioning where God was in my situation- well right where He needed to be- I was so focused on what I was going through and never really allowed God to be apart of the process- well He is daily- I ask God for His guidance and wisdom- to help me through each day- oh I have work and other things to deal with but Marcus is the main issue I deal with on a daily basis-
I am beginning to look at this time in my life differently-God and I had a discussion this morning- I was just talking with Him- asking Lord why would you use me to deal with a child like this? His simple response was because you can and I enabled you too- Of course I responded this was not how being a mother was suppose to be like - Again His response maybe not in your eyes but for me this is where it is happening for you. I chose you Michele specifically for Marcus- because I knew what it would be like- and you are able to handle it with me carrying you along the way. So I am constantly learning from God and he has placed amazing people in my life to help on this journey. God is good and I know we take things together one day at a time-
He gives us strength when we are weak- man I will be very strong by the time this process is all through- I know through all of this God is doing amazing things - and He will get all the Glory- I give Him glory just to make it through the day to day process-
So much to continue to learn
I was not too sure how he would react - he did act with a little explosiveness but as the week progressed he knew it was coming and got it done and over with.
This week was my week to learn and get past the past and not be afraid to use techniques- that for him actually work.
Marcus is learning that he will not always get what he wants - ask me about dinner Wednesday night- or the bike riding or the hot tub- he made that were not acceptable and was told if you choose this then this will not happen.
I have to be on my toes all the time and at times it gets tiring - but God gives me strength- grace- wisdom( I need this the most ) and guidance (so important too)
I have to stop and think before handling each situation so I handle it probably without explosions occurring - yes I am constantly learning yet hopeful this time will soon pass and his past will begin to melt away from him quickly and he will be able to catch up socially to an 8 year old.
I am hopeful and this week has helped me to see how wonderful God is and how He gives us wisdom through ALL situations.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
2 year old tantrums
A normal 2 year old usually engulfs loving relationships give young children a sense of comfort, safety, confidence,and encouragement. Nurturing connections teach toddlers how to form
friendships, how to communicate emotions, and how to deal with challenges. Supportive relationships with parents, adults, and friends also help children develop trust, empathy, compassion, and a sense of right and wrong (a conscience).
They have little self-control, which means they not very good at waiting and also have a hard time stopping themselves from acting on their desires. This means that, developmentally, young children struggle with following rules—especially those around sharing. ( all of which at this age he was in the foster home from which I adopted this is when he went into the home at age 2)
Does anyone see a resemblance? hmmm
SO I have to back up a little again- daily it is tiring- this week not so bad as far as being tired - I know I have a lot of people praying for us and so appreciate it- My prayer is simple wisdom and guidance in my words and actions to help guide him
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Lake Myrtle Elementary
Monday, March 9, 2009
the last few days

Does anyone know how to deal with a 2 year old in an 8 year old's body please let me know - I am serious here.
We came home and the Tobias' took me out for a belated B-day celebration- and we went to Channelside afterwards for ice cream -

Went to church Sunday- great service- came home afterwards and slept- needed the rest- you see it does get exhausting trying to stay on your toes when you deal with a child with a mental disorder-
Just when you think you hit bottom- God gives you the rest you need in the comfort of family and friends they are there to lift you up and allow you to cry on their shoulder or yell at God- they do not judge you but allow you to rant and rave until you get your breakthrough-
My days are a day to day process and as Adam tell me all the time celebrate the small victories- so I try to do that daily.

Thursday, March 5, 2009
Do you really know?
I said when I adopted Marcus it will take a village to help me raise this child- and wow those words are so true- from those who simply lift us up in prayer - I can feel the difference- the weight of the world feels a little less heavy- oh the issues are still there- but knowing there is a family of love and support and prayer warriors means so much.
I know I have not written much lately but just have had songs listed- well those songs are what I have been feeling- God is truly there- I was asking God well yelling God where are you in all this - cause I really did not know anymore-and if I am truly honest with you I am still wondering what He has planned for us. I know this time when Marcus had to go for help for a couple of days- I was not so distraught- why cause that is where he needed to be- or when I had Adam, Brenda, Sarah, and my sister Lori go with me - I could have done it alone but did not need to cause they said they would do whatever to help us.
We know have a plan as far as treatment for him - nothing wishy washy anymore-he was told point blank that the abuse he was doing to mommy was not ok and it will not continue- that coming from the Dr at Baycare. fabulous they are. oh yes I said abuse- some - actually many of you have no idea what I have been through- I will share with you if you ask-but not here.
ok so the plan- he will be evaluated by a psychologist again- he will see a neurologist to rule out anything else that may be occurring- and we changed his meds -we will be implementing a plan for wherever he goes and it needs to be followed for a positive outcome-
We are taking steps however I am still believing for a miraculous change- It is a March for miracles- they can happen I truly believe.