Monday, December 22, 2008

So thankful for a new day

If I could have ended the day yesterday it would have been at 9 am yesterday- I think I had 2 hours of good behavior and then the rest was absolutley horrendous- really it was - at 4 pm enough was enough. I missed Ainsley's b-day party and missed everything about it- rage had set in and nothing was bringing him back- I tried everything- I think he just wore himself out.
But inspite of the horrible Sunday today has been fabulous- so different -
So I am thankful for a new day- afresh day- he has been very sweet and very respectful
Well got much to work on- keep praying that he works on his anger control- I know he can do it it - I know he is able to do it- I know he knows what to do- just keep praying that his past stops resurfacing


Dr. Deanna DossShrodes said...

What happened? he seemed fine yesterday after morning service when he greeted me. I guess he had a meltdown yesterday afternoon?


Love you

Stephanie said...

God led me to your blog! I have a beautiful daughter that we adopted last year (December 19). She is eleven and is a former foster child. She is struggling right now also. The holidays are so hard for these guys.

I am also the co-leader of a post adoption support group. We meet at least once a month and it is great therapy. Hop over to my blog to get my contact info and I'll give you the details of our next meeting if you are interested! I'll be praying for you in the meantime.