Friday, December 19, 2008

Going to the Chapel....

someday- here are my thoughts lately on marriage and getting married-

First let me just say - no there is no significant other in my life right now- just thoughts that have encircled my mind over the last couple of weeks
for those of you that are single- as PD has said and I truly believe- single is a whole number- you need to be confident in yourself and fulfilled in yourself before ever thinking of marriage- (this is my opinion ) and I am writing as a single woman of many years so I think I have some perspective on it. Have I always been confident in myself no way- In my 20s I wanted to be married start a family yadada well let me tell you I am still not married and that is okay -well.... we come back to that
I had to come to grips that is okay not to have a man by your side- for me I had goals and wanted to accomplish them and if I was married - and a mom I am not sure I would have been able to- I wanted to have children but was not looking and still am not looking for a husband (hopeful though) Getting married just to have kids is so wrong - in my opinion why caus I did not have to get married to have a child 100s of children are out there waiting to have a loving mom or dad and you can do it as a single person-
For me I think this was best - for the first 3 years- me being a single mom - why you ask- because I coudl devote the time to Marcus that he needed - strictly for him- no husband in the way- Marcus needed that . God has a plan for a reason and as I look at my life things follow in the not so normal way- and that is okay. So if you are single be okay with it be fulfilled with who you are- you can make a difference-
As for me - I am now ready to settle down with a husband- just waiting- I have made a specific list of what I am looking for- nope not going to share- that is between me and God- I have where and what time I want to get married-(the wedding) shoot I have been planning for many many years and can not wait- I do get frustrated at times but I realize that it was not time for me- In my heart it is time for me- maybe not today or tomorrow but I can say I am ready- nervous you bet-but I look forward to staying up late watching tv with my husband our hopes and dreams and future- cuddling up in front of our fireplace (this is a dream) walking hand in hand on the beach- worshipping God - praying together-doing minstry together- having the same love for kids and youth and special needs families. I am no ordinary person you see- I am extraoridinary and am looking forward to having an extraoridnary marriage- I am anticipating it. Do not know when but will be looking forward to it.
So let me just reiterate be confident and fulfilled in the person you are before you get married- take care of you so you can later take care of your marriage.


Melissa said...

You my dear friend have hit the nail onthe head so to speak! If you are not a whole person by yourself a man or woman is NOT going to make you full! Believe that whole heartily! I am praying for you, and believe with my heart He is goin to give you a man that is more than you could ever dream of or pray for!

Dr. Deanna DossShrodes said...

Absolutely right.

I believe marriage is not two halves coming together to make one another complete or's two whole people coming together, having already been complete in Christ.

God knows your needs. He will provide.

Love you

Anonymous said...

cute little chapel. where is the picture located?