Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Can I be honest?

Some of you are going to read this and go WHAT!
I do not like this time of year- I love celebrating Jesus' birth but all the overstimulation has put my some into overdrive and I have had enough- so why does it have to be this way? Why
It is all the commercialism that has himover the top- so over the top- all the parties etc etc-
I love to go to parties but for him it means disaster the next day-
I enjoy my time with friends cause it is very relaxing- but then I have a price to pay for several days post-
what to do?
The last 2 days have been horrendous really they have and as Christmas gets closer ugh
Just be obedient- do what you are asked- stop mouthing back- be respectful focus on what you are suppose to be doing-
I am physcially-emotionally and mentally drained- I do not like this feeling it makes me not want to celebrate- Just being honest
I love Jesus but can we just nor overstimulate


Toots said...

I understand, Kirsti would get physically sick, she ended up in the ER one year because she could not keep anything down. And I know that people just don't understand why he may have to sit for a while and just have quiet time, they think he should be out running around with everyone else but not everyone is the same. You do what you have to for YOUR family and those who really know and understand will support you!!
Love Ya

Melissa said...

Hang tight my friend. It's really not just your little guy! I have 4 that are all very over stimulated and I too am getting to the point the Christmas tree is going to come down before "santa" even gets here. If there is anything I am stressing more and more in our house is peace, speaking peace praying peace and singing peace be still. Not sure if its working on them but I know its helping me. It gets worse when we get packages in the mail like yesterday. You would have thought my kids hit the lottery because all craziness broke out. Hang tight, he's excited, he is reacting like all the rest maybe a bit more loudly or actively but all kids have a hard time during this time some more than others. I love ya!