Saturday, December 13, 2008

I am so excited

Last night and tonight (especially today-THANKS Lori, Dakota and Marcus) for helping with our Sunday School project- I have been working on a lesson and will be so excited to share it with the kids- we will be talking about the 3 gifts Jesus received and what they meant-or I should say mean- then we will be giving out small gifts to those who are there-I want the kids to truly understand what the gift means and why they are so significant- then I want them to be able to give a gift - small but it has a significant saying on it-it tells the following
Gold- roylaty Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords

Frankincense- purity or divinity- He is the Son of God Son of Man

Myrrh- used for embalming- He was Crucified for you and me

I can not wait to explain this to the kids and then have them pass out these simple little gifts- I made quite a bit and hopefully have enough for every family- if not oops- I do have a special one just for a special family - Marcus made it.

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