Thursday, November 20, 2008

Momma is so proud

Visual Poetry - Well- last night after my teaching -Marcus decided to have a moment - it was like the devil saying look you just taught on frustration- here you go handle it- I handled it calm- with the help of several at church- see we are not alone-

They we woke up this morning and he was great- Got his chart from before school and school and he had a perfect point earning day for both- and after care and home right now no problems- Never give up- God will be there

I am so proud of him today- one day at a time- day by day - step by step


Todd and MarĂ­lia Aitken said...

You go Mom. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and He will give you the strength to pull through.

Todd Aitken

Michele said...

Thank you for your comment- I am not sure how you found my blog but I did read yours and I saw your post on frustration- great

I know God gives us strength when we can not do it on oour own. I will never give up