Saturday, November 29, 2008

Looking Back - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more I did not get to write this early this week - so I am taking time to do it now- What am I thankful for?

- The Awesome God I Serve- He is so kind- merciful- loving - gracious- understanding-He gives us wisdom- He strengthens us

-Family and Friends- Their support and love through a tough year- but a growing year
- A job that keeps challenging me to improve and stretch

- For the caring and loving nurses and doctors and support staff at St. Josephs ER department
- For therapist, psychiatrists and teachers that help us each and every month
- For my health - my home-

I am thankful that God is a God of increase- what do I mean by that - for me- it was an increase in trusting in Him- relying more on Him- An increase of learning that it is okay to ask for help and be lifted up by friends when your faith is not as strong as you would hope it would be- An increase of being used by God to teach others -being stretched by God in the most astounding way that I would never seem imaginable. Realizing we are not alone in this world. Increase in joy even when you seem there is no joy to have- laughing through the hard times even when you really do not feel like it. An increase of wisdom- increase in patience (yes more of an increase)
An increase in love for my son- even when he is angry-realizing what a wonderful child God created- and that he just needs a little more guidance - more encouragement- more consistency- more love-
An increase in helping Marcus realize he is wondrfully made- that he is a Good person- even if he makes bad choices- helping him to see through God's eyes he was created in God's imagine.

An increase in helping others to reach their potential for God- - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

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