Monday, June 2, 2008

Forgiving someone is hard but it is a must

I find that I am a very forgiving person- I do not like to stay upset with my friends at all and if they have wronged me it usually does not last very long-

However- there were two people who I have been very angry with and really did not know it til yesterday - when God said you can forgive everyone now it is time to forgive these 2 people. Stop focusing on what happened but live for today and focus on tomorrow. You have this unforgiveness holding you and him back forgive and move on- Who have I been angry at and not realizing it- Marcus' foster parents for what they have caused in his life-I have to stop being angry at them I have to forgive them - I can not and will not allow that back in my life - I will not allow them to hold us down. It was very eye opening to me yesterday morning.

I will stop blaming his past - God can wipe that away in an instant and if my anger and unforgiveness has held Marcus' healing up then it is let go- I want what is best for him and this is our turning point I sense it I know it-

Now what I am about to tell you is a blessing- the Kings are very sweet people (our speakers at missoins convention) Marcus prayed with Melissa to accept Jesus as his savior (again - he has already done this ) and then she prayed for him - and she spoke of the storms in his life and how God can take them away. After she prayed I told her that I had adopted him and that he has suffered from PTSD so her prayer was so timely and Godly-she said she sensed something.

They gave Marcus a beautiful piece of pottery with a butterfly on it and I was looking at it this evening and said that is us God a new life a time to take off for Him.

We got home late last night - and Marcus was singin until 11 pm - the boy only got 5 hours of sleep last night and you know what he got a 44 out of 44 possible points today- that is God-

A New Beginning -A New Life- A Fresh Annointing-God is Moving -


Dr. Deanna DossShrodes said...

Yes, a new beginning...fresh's all here.

So glad the missions convention touched you on so many different levels.

Awesome testimony. I love you guys!

Melissa said...

Wow! It that statement is huge! It is hard to fogive others that have hurt you or hurt those that ou love specially your kids.
Have you gotten my email? Sent you a few havent heard back....just wondering if I have the right address for you. Its about a dream and Sept. Write me so I know you got it.
Praying you all have a fun filled summer!