Tuesday, February 19, 2008

At home today..

Marcus is not feeling well so I kept him home today- he was off school yesterday for President's day but was at the Tobias household- I picked him up and he had dark circles under his eyes and very nasally. through the night he was coughing- there have been several people sick at work so I may have carried it home to him- so today for him a day of sleeping. Hopefully that will get him on the rode to recovery- (this could account for him not behaving as well-if only he would just say he is not feeling well)

So let's chat for a few moments while I have some time.

A topic of discussion-hmmm-
Feeling a little like a target- why - well Marcus had a very rough Friday at his before and after care- Now we all know Marcus is not always well behaved- however he usually reacts when someone else has done something- although most children react and they are done - but Marcus does not. I was a little upset the staff did not know a little bit about his history- why do I fill out that information if they are not informed- why do they not get all the information from what happened- yes I am defending my son and I spoke with the care site and expressed how I felt- I agreed with the fact Marcus should not be hitting but he should also not be provoked- I was informed they were having problems with him in the morning- Why is this the first time I am hearing about this?- needless to say I was not a happy camper- Why do they wait until something like the explosion on Friday happens- I could have reititerated behaviors as we went- now I am aggravated cause I was not told- and upset with the fact Marcus is unable to express to me what is going on so I can help alleviate the situation.
Marcus has a difficult time making friends- kids know what his pressure point is and then they see him get in trouble- I am aggravated at the kids what are their parents teaching them- I get to annoyed when a child comes up to me saying Marcus did not have a good day- I just want to say well if you were raised the way he was you would be the same way- mind your business kid. I do not do this but come on- they do not know- parents do not know- so do not go and judge my child because of his actions- this is a learned behavior taught by a parent and no not me- I am sorry my child seeked revenge on yours but teach your child to be kind and compassionate- I am instilling that in mine - it is just taking time for him to comprehend it when he was brain washed for a little over 4 years of his life- Can you tell I am a little frustrated!?

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Train up the child...in this case you are retraining. You are doing great work and God is doing a farther greater work in him. Keep pushing forward! Marcus is going to get a break through I know he is! I am believing for a miracle for him this year! I know many people are praying but know even in the distance I am standing in prayer for him and you! I love ya girl!