Saturday, January 19, 2008

Ahh today

Yesterday was crazy- today was much better-

I began Life Coaching with PD today and I am so looking forward to an increase through this mentoring- I know it is going ot be wonderful. Lori watched Marcus and then after coaching I had 3 hours to myself- what did I do- go shopping of course- there are not a lot of days where I can do this because it is always Marcus and me- so 3 hours what to do- went to a few stores- got the cat and dog some stuff for their teeth- you know if you do not clean them the bacteria that builds up can affect the rest of their body. Anyway- went to some clothes stores did not find much I liked - but I do not really shop for my self all that much so sometimes it is difficult knowing what I like - seems I am always in a hurry and just do not take the time- I did find a pair of shoes when I went to the mall though.

I did go to the Christian bookstore and got a book for me about the Power of a Praying Parent- and a devotional for Marcus on Patience-

I met up with the Cole family and Marcus a little before 4 and had dinner and walked the mall- it was good and a nice time- then about 5:30 or so the flood came down and the lightening and all- so we were stuck in the mall and waited it out- have you ever had to entertain 4 kids for 3 hours in a mall- they were really pretty good- Marcus had a minor meltdown in the bathroom- and then after it wa sover bursted into tears saying he wanted to go see Isaac. He wanted to make sure he was safe.

So as we were going home- he started to say how concerned he was about the lightening so I said when you have a concern talk with God about it- so he did- the kid amazes me sometimes- sometimes I would like to knock his socks off the next minute he says the most profund things. He does want to please and I honestly think a miracle is on its way- I just need to realize it is God's timing not mine- I think that is the frustraing part.

So in Life coaching we are asked to journal - I started mine tonight- and all I can say is wow - one entry and I am amazed-

Well going to go read and finish up my lesson for Sunday School- With what life coaching is going to teach me and what God is going to show me- I have a feeling Sunday School will be so much better as far as me being a teacher. I hope that makes sense.

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