Sunday, December 2, 2007

Peace Peace Wonderful Peace Coming Down from the Father Above

Oh what a wonderful time I had at our CE dinner- so peaceful - so rejuvenating- so thought provoking-so peaceful- did I say that-
I stayed fairly late-and just sat on the porch talking with a few others that stayed- it is so quiet on Bernie and Lisa's porch-
As I was driving home I had a smile on my face and felt so peaceful inside- that has been missing for a while.
I got home and was reading my lesson for Sunday School and then pulled out my new lessons- well I did the new lesson today- On leadership- oh my I have work to do- Oh I know I have been in leadership but wow - I need to increase it- I apologized to the youth in Sunday School for not being a better leader and I was going to work on it.
I was up til 2 this am just conversing with God- It was truly amazing- I woke up at 5 and continued the conversation - went back to sleep and up at 7. I went into Sunday School about 8:30 to review the new lesson I was doing- I was driving in and was very peaceful having a conversation with God - started to cry-not really sure why but did.
Spoke with Bernie and told what an impact last night was on my life-right now and started to cry-
Sunday School was pretty good- I got asked with some challenging questions which I posed to the wiser ones-
Went and picked Marcus up -had a good day up until it was time to go get a shower- I do not want one he said- well 20 minutes later we were having a discussion and he went up and got a shower-
Afterwards we did a devotion and then prayed together for about 15-20 minutes - it was only going to be a few minutes but it was longer then I anticipated- it was very calming and very peaceful- I sensed God working on Marcus and I as I prayed for him- I always pray with my hands on him and it was just very peaceful -
Now I am going to do my study- will talk about that in a couple a weeks- pray about it though-

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