Wednesday, July 25, 2007

We shall Overcome-

okay 1 day out of 10 days were good at grannie and papaws- well we should see how things go tomorrow - cause I am going to pick him up after work.

I found out yesterday Marcus is not considered an ESE candidate at this time-When I read that and he was going to put in a regular classroom-( he will be going to SandPine Elementary School) I just cried and I was at work - thanks Karen for listening. Not sure why so emotional at the time but when I was driving to church last night - I realized I just do not want a repeat of last years first day of school- many of you know the pen and the principal incident no laughing okay it is funny no not really. My heart hurts for my son cause I want the best for him- I want him to overcome his past- I know it takes time- it has just been 2 years but some people really do not have the concept of what we have accomplished. He still has outbursts but not nearly as often. Some people do not have the concept of what he was through as a child( I know he still is one). If you want to know I will sit down and talk with you.

So as we were doing praise and worship- my heart was focused on God and asking him what do I do? I want Marcus to be so successful- not monetary success but just for him to overcome the fear of having someone leave him- to trust others- to realize no one is going to hurt him-to realize that he is wonderfully made by God and God created him to be loving and kind and compassionate (thanks Pastor Larry-you encouraged me last night- you did too PD).

I wanted God to show me what he sees for Marcus what he has for him now- Help me to have peace about the school and the district.

I just got a sense which I can not explain that this was right - that this what needs to be done. that the school will be there to help and guide. Oh I am still praying but in my heart I am content. not anxious about the choice of school just about the transition to the school and the childcare before and after.

This is the year Marcus overcomes a lot I know it I expect it I anticipate it- we shall overcome together.

I do have a request from those who read- please pray for us over the next several weeks for Marcus and his behavior choices, for the tranisitions (school starts August 20th ) , for Marcus to trust the teachers and be content with where he is going to school. for him to overcome and anything else you feel God leading you to pray for us.

Off to bed must get to work early in the morning. Good Night my friends!

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