Monday, July 23, 2007

A little Green around the Gills-

Well- I am back from Melbourne- we had a good time- a good group- and learned some new things-

Long weekend though- seminars always wipe me out- But this time I am green around the gills-Not feeling well today and actually left work early (that really means I am not feeling well when I leave work)- not sure what is up- maybe caught some bug messing with my insides ( no more details to give you)

It is quiet at the house with no child- sometimes a little too quiet. He is giving mom and dad a run for their money- mom said she realizes what I go through on a daily basis now. no picnic lunch.

Did not do a whole lot today- well at work we had surgery and got finished with that quickly but had more stuff to do but felt very wiped out so my wonderful boss said to go home - well she also said she was being selfish cause she wanted me there tomorrow- ahh the love- it is nice to be needed :)

Over the weekend I found out I was nominated for Florida Technician of the year- did not get it but it was neat just to be honored.

I know this is short but I need to go rest- I was going to go do laundry, and tidyup the house- but I am feeling blah again- going to go call Marcus and hopefully hear a good report

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