Friday, July 13, 2007

Not Friends - Family

I have some of the best friends ever- some I have known for so long like the Tobias family- Can you believe I have known Brenda and Adam since we were very young- I do not remember them but for some reason they seem to remember me-
Way back when I was 6 or so Brenda use to play with my sister- Way back when I was 10 or so I use to swim with Adam's sister and in high school was a majorette with his sister.

We really had not seen each other for years and then one day I started attending Venice Assembly- We got reconnected and wow they are so significant in my life- such encouragers- there when I need someone to talk too-

Supported me when I decided to pursue my dream of getting my Bachelors in Zoology 9 years ago and move away from the town I grew up in. Helped me move here- drove the moving van.
Or maybe that was to make sure I stayed here.

They were there when I was scared and felt alone- they were there to fix broken things in my apartments and my home when I bought it

They were one of the reasons I was able to be chosen to be a mom- They wrote nice things about me.

They were there during the ceremony of me signing the adoption papers - they have been there when I did not know what else to do with Marcus- when he was so out of control- they have showed me even before I got Marcus how to raise Godly children. They have allowed me to stay with them and veg out so they could take care of Marcus when we had a rough week or more. Adam has a way with him- okay he has a way with kids - many of you know that. The other person in the picture is one of my other best friends Aunt Bekah (as Marcus would call her- I may later on write about her- we have had some good times-did my first mission trip with her to Africa).

Once again they have been there for me- Brenda was fortunately off today from work- and not feeling well- but was so gracious in allowing him to stay with her since he was suspended from summercamp. I am very thankful for that- that way I did not miss another day of work- Brenda I appreciate it more then you know-

And Marcus did not have a bad day- some minor things but other then that pretty good- of course he could not do a whole lot to get in trouble- no cartoons- he had schoolwork to do- reading- educational only TV and naptime.

The Tobias' are more then Friends they are Family- and I am so Thankful for them.

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