Wednesday, February 25, 2009

When and are you?

Have you ever thought if God is not listening? I know he is - but lately I am discouraged- emotionally and physically drained- my birthday is Sunday and I really do not want to feel this way but I do- why has Marcus not had a miracle in his mind. Why does he not want to change- could it just be the meds needs adjusted- or maybe he is getting his miracle -healing and the meds are causing problems- I could be hopeful right- Miracles still happen right?- I know they do babies are born- people are saved- teens wake up and stand and speak after a terrible accident (PD and PLs friend) .
When will I get rest from all of this nonsense- when will he be all better?
I just want him better


Toots said...

Your miracle is on the way!!!! Just hold on, I'm here for you both!!!
Love Ya

Dr. Deanna DossShrodes said...

I know...I want him better too. But obviously not as much as you. I know you are just wiped out and don't know what to do. I know God has a special purpose and work for Marcus...the enemy is fighting so hard to keep him at the place he left Him. We have to pray him through and we continue to stand.

Love you

Tina said...

Hold your head up girl!!! Just keep praying the time is coming God has mighty things for you both!!! I love you both! If you just need a friend call me 813-735-5844