Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Valentines Day is approaching

Well can I be honest with you here- well to bad if you say no cause I am going to. I use to hate valentine's day really I did- why single being single sometimes stinks- oh I know it is not just about couples and all- I got over that a few years ago- and began to love it- this year not so much- why I am not sure to be honest- Oh again- I know it is not just for couples and I am hoping PDs message Wednesday Night will get me out of the funk mood about it-

I do understand - its more then what the commercial side produces- I know it is about Agape love- and love for friends and family-

There are times where I think when God when will I be the other half of a married couple- I know that sounds weird- I love spending time with my friends- they are all married and 95% of the time I am fine being the single person ( I never use to be this way - I usually always felt like the 5th wheel) they never treat me like a 3rd or 5th wheel. just one of the gang

Where is this blog going - I have no idea- except get me out of this funk mood about Valentines Day

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1 comment:

Dr. Deanna DossShrodes said...

Will you be my valentine?
