Monday, February 16, 2009

A Day in Venice

Well we came down last night- for a time to relax today and just chill- it was a beautiful day and Marcus spent most of it outside- I love the fact I can let him go outside and see what he is doing cause he is not that far away and get not get into a whole heap of trouble in the pasture.

Went and saw my fisrt boss in the animal world - was only going to stop in a say hey but ended up staying almost 2 hours- let see we got caught up on home life- I helped discuss a couple cases he was dealing with- I love it- he is a great teacher - I learned so much from him when I first went into private practice-here is his link - I learned a lot and still carry a lot of what he taught me with me- He was named veterinarian of the year a couple of years ago- he truly cares about his patients and clients -

Went and cleaned my car out and washed it - it needed it badly

Came home and cleaned up a crate for Miss Madeline -

(Pastors Larry and Deanna's pup) she has outgrown her current kennel and we (mom and dad ) had an extra one. -and now getting ready to leave for home- it was a relaxing day

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