Saturday, March 3, 2012


ok so I have a Goodwill right by my house and see it everyday- and yes frequently shop it- I love the jeans I get there. Anyway for the last month the one "O" is not lit up- so normally God and I have a conversation and over the last several weeks that sign says Godwill. What will He do- Anything for all things are possible
That job you have been seeking after God will provide, the wayward child God will bring home, that spouse that causes issues God will take care of him/her.
Godwill provide our needs as a family. Marcus and I have been praying and I am often reminded of God will- my question then is when. God tells me it does not matter when just know I will.

So I am fortunate of that constant reminder on the way home (hoping the one "O" never gets fixed) that God will make a way- for whatever your need is.

Keep praying and keep pressing in- cause God will always be there

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