Monday, January 31, 2011

its about me today

hi allow me to introduce myself- my name is michele and i have begun training (as of this past saturday) for a triathlon - yes today is about me- so what have i done to train so far- well- saturday took the dog and me for a 25 minute walk- hey we all have to start somewhere and running is not my forte. but i have atleast 5 months or so to train- yesterday i biked for 25 minutes and then today warmed up with a bike ride to the community work out room then did some strength training oh a small bit not over doing it taking it slow-got on the treadmill and walked a half a mile in a pretty good pace. and honestly i feel pretty good-so tomorrow another 25 minute walk with the dog - for those of you that i see or talk to (via texting or email or on the phone) hold me accountable- i need this for me-
this is my goal in which i want to accomplish it-
plus i am keeping up on my reading for life coaching which is amazing when you dig into the word and pick out certain verses in the bible and disect them- i love it- and it is challenging to me-
now as far as cooking well- i think i need to work on that too- i need to eat healthy- which i have started sorta- so after i get a good couple of weeks of workouts in then i will begin the new learning to cook phase-i know i know i have said it before this time i mean it- even if it is only 1 meal a week.


Anonymous said...

learning to cook = nap on the couch :o)

Michele said...

yes Adam- learning to cook = nap, but right now I would not need the rest because there is no one to watch- so maybe I will stay awake :)