Friday, January 21, 2011

One concern down

Well one concern is down-

I have one more to go- well 2 more but hopefully the second one will not be too bad-

May I vent to you- I have been working on this concern with Marcus for 5 years- and the problem keeps continuing to progress and get worse- even with the multiple therapies and helps and parenting classes (yes I have taken multiple of them) - he seems to have something that will not let go of him- hopefully the choices myself and others (you see I have seeked much counsel on this decision) not just a whimisical choice- could he get worse - yes it could and then it will turn around I believe- I know all have meant well by giving their input- unless you know allthe facts and know all I have been through with him and all I have tried please be quiet- the decision was difficult to make in itself- you can ask those closest to me what a struggle and choice it has been- but with much prayer and much prayer- yes I repeated it- I believe this is the breakthrough for Marcus- you see he was created for big things and he will be used for big things- God has Marcus' life in His hands- I dedicated Marcus to God when I adopted him- Now- I really need to trust God with him-to protect him and to help him-
We are going to work through this and continue to grow and continue to learn and continue to make an impact in lives in which we cross through the whole process

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