Saturday, December 18, 2010

How the last week panned out

Monday- released and home-
Tuesday returned to school - however the morning was extremely rough
Wednesday - rough morning - had to be picked up at school do to wrong behaviors on the bus
Thursday- better morning- odd behavior- had to pick up because of being suspended from bus- the evening was ok- went over to dinner at Gig and Mo's (love these people- they are awesome)
Friday- odd behaviors in the am- evening was ok and then the bottom fell out and he lost control- fortunately I was not alone-
Saturday - good day- helped feed the homeless at church this morning- I do have to say Marcus loves to help.

Why am I sharing this brief synopsis- well you see the days are often not known of what could happen-the slightest of comments could alter the day to catastrophic proportions (i know that is to the extreme) but it feels that way at times- its a roller coaster ride- of good days and not so good days- it is like you never know what switch will be turned on as you wake him up- we are walking on eggshells

Praying for openings sooner rather then later- I know there is protocol but I serve a God who can open doors like no other

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