Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Dear Venice Regional Medical Center

To whom it may concern at venice regional medical center-
please make sure your records are correct before trying to contact patients you had in your hospital.

Calling my parent's home and asking for my mom is not acceptable especially when she did die in your hospital- someone dropped the ball on this one.

If you would like to get a hold of her, it is a long distance call.

thank you-michele


Anonymous said...

Sorry friend. when my son was born at 22weeks and only one pound. The hospital close visitations to parents for two hours in the mornings for the doctors. I left ro bathe , they call to tell me I was having my baby taken away by social services. I would never be able to see him again. That he amost died when I left. I freaked out ran back, they stll would not let me in. I made such a comotion some one came out to talk to me. It ended up being some other mom's baby who was born deug addicted and had my son's first name. But not gis last name.

Melissa said...

Oh Michele this is terrible! Hospitals do drop the ball a lot. When we lost our baby we got cards and a phone call congratulating us on the birth of our son...only they didn't know he was still born. It was a raw time anyway and that made it worse.
Candy- omw that is terrible too!
Praying for you Michele!